Respectful Workplace
Let’s begin here. These days, many of us have participated in some form of annual Respectful Workplace (RW) training. Perhaps you’ve sat through a session led by an HR representative in a boardroom or completed an online course covering the basics—topics like sexual harassment or workplace exclusion. While these are undeniably important subjects, I want to take a different approach. In this initial conversation, I’d like to share my firsthand experiences and knowledge.
Throughout my life, I’ve encountered the subtle nuances of disrespect and "power over" forms of leadership. This has led me to often wonder: what types of uncomfortable situations have others found themselves in? In countless meaningful conversations I’ve had, numerous colleagues have shared heartbreaking stories. Many have described finding themselves in a locked manager’s office, feeling frightened and unsure of how to react. The impact of these experiences was profound, often leaving lasting scars even decades later.
One individual shared a particularly shocking incident: they were physically spanked for achieving a goal. Another recounted the fear and helplessness of witnessing coworkers being berated and abused by their leader, paralyzed by the worry that speaking up might cost them their job. I’ve also witnessed a leader manipulate the system, collaborating with HR to restructure a victim out of their role. These stories, though difficult to hear, underscore the pervasive and often hidden challenges many face in the workplace.
Over the years, I’ve tolerated poor leadership, but I now find myself motivated to help others—to protect those who cannot speak up and to educate leaders on the weight of their actions. Leaders must understand how they are perceived, who they impact, and why their behavior strains individuals and the organizations they serve.
Leadership is everyone’s concern, yet it is too often overlooked, dismissed, or relegated to the back burner. Addressing these issues with honesty and compassion is a vital step toward creating workplaces where everyone can thrive.
If you need help in the respectful workplace or leadership arena, please reach out. We can discuss how I might support you.